Thursday, October 20, 2011

Why Subsidize Solar, etc? Fragment of debate on

  • The debate is on at

  • Q: if this industry is so great, why does it need governmental support?

  • A: The space industry got billions in government support for years
    before it began to make huge contributions to weather prediction,
    communication, GPS.  The first computers were built for government
    applications.  The Transistor, laser, micro-circuits and much more came
    out of Bell Labs, a sort of R&D mega-university that would only have
    existed in the regulated world of the old AT&T.  Jet planes were a
    product of government military investment.  The Internet was a purely
    governmental creation, developed as a robust worldwide platform that
    happened to be able to support an open networked marketplace while
    Microsoft and AOL were developing centralized command and control based

    Sun-based (including wind and hydro) power will succeed
    in time even with no support.  Solar is largely a product of
    semiconductor physics and materials science which have huge momentum if
    only more of it would be focused on photovoltaic capture, and we already
    see solar power cost-effectiveness growing much much faster then the
    GDP.  If it takes a decade or two longer for it to make a big impact,
    due to lack of gov't support, we will be asking ourselves why we had to
    blow up so many mountains, and keep pumping up the accidental and
    inordinate powers of Saudi princes, and Venezuala, Russia for those
    decades, and maybe fight a couple more avoidable wars, and yes maybe
    accidentally transform the climate system in disastrous ways.

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